Please read first this great article from Neil Lyndon.
I know that many will be mad for me because this post, but this is just something I need to write. First of all, when I'm writing about feminism, I mean the second-wave feminism not about the first-wave feminism. The first-wave feminism was a good thing. It made both genders equal and there still is some places in the world where this first-wave feminism is needed (read Middle-East, Africa and so on). But here in western civilized world it has done the job already, and thank god for that. But the second-wave feminism which is live and well here now and has been a few decades, is killing all the good things that the first-wave feminism did.
The second-wave feminism is all about man-hate, hate towards families, children and healthy women sexuality. I really have to say that I despise this feminism movement. We already can see what it has done for our western society. Broken marriages, broken children, violence among girls rising and all destructive behavior among girls and women has gone off the chart. Of course, feminism is not the only reason here, but it's the most important, there is no doubt about it. But all this makes me sick. We guys are already the worst gender, we do not need our species better half come down to our level. Unfortunately, it seems like girls are coming to the bottom and fast.
But media will of course glorify this kind of behavior. Like when some woman leaves her husband and children. Media will say "She did brave decision! Good for her!!!". And when guy will do this, media will say "That bastard, how could he?!?!?!". This kind of behavior from both genders is awful. Because from the broken families comes broken children. And that is not a good thing at all. As we can already see...
Birth rates has gone down in western society. And again feminism says this is a good thing. "Having children is men way to slave us!!!" they say. They just miss this one big point here... Our main purpose in this planet is to have children. It's a bless, not a curse! But for a feminist motherhood is a bad thing too, because it keeps women to reach their full potential, "being a mother is like to be a slave". But again I would say that being a mother, a good mother means that woman has reached her full potential. Do not get this wrong. I don't mean that women should not do anything else. Of course, women can on the side have all the rest what they want, job, etc. But I cannot imagine that woman would get more satisfying feeling than being a good mother. But in the end, what I know? I'm just some stupid finnish guy...
I just cannot understand what makes being a womanly woman so bad? We don't have the gender roles by accident, there is a reason for that. The reason is that we would survive in this world, plain and simple. I myself like womanly girls, if their bodies are womanly, which for me means that they aren't too skinny or too fat. Of course if the girl is voluptuous (like Monica Bellucci) I really don't mind, but it's not necessary. Also when girls dress up womanly, it's so beautiful. And I don't mean these horrid porn outfits what girls nowadays wear. I mean nice dresses and so on. Good dress never show too much skin. So what is wrong about these kind of things? I say NOTHING!!!
About being happy. It's weird, I remember my grandmas, they were really happy. And I did also talk about these things with them. They did not mind they roles, both there were housewives. Actually, the real power was always on their hands. The house was always theirs. They didn't feel powerless or anything. And they were happy. But nowadays seems like nobody is happy. Of course, times have changed. But actually, times are much more easier now. In the past, women has bring the peace to the house, but nowadays women are more miserable than ever, probably. So now there is nobody who bring would bring the peace and care to the house. That is so shame... And everyone can see the consequences of that nowadays.
And for me the funny part in all of this is that feminists usually have relationships with these wife-beaters and all the rest of the real bad guys. Well, like I like to say, what ever floats your boat...
So then am I chauvinist wife-beater? No, I am not. Actually I treat my girlfriends like princesses, I would do almost anything for them. I'm polite and I listen. And I never would even imagine to hit any girl. So I'm decent ordinary guy who just cannot understand what is wrong on real equality? And why our better-halfs want to be like us? For me real equality means that women would keep up to be better than us and that women would remember what they really are, our guides and nurtures of life. Maybe then our species will still have a chance.
So here I said briefly why I hate feminism. I hope you get my point of view, if not, then I you probably should go and look to the mirror. I don't mean that everyone should agree with me, but I think people should understand my point of view...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Something About Feminism
Posted by Zannn at 00:07 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Worst Week In A Long, Long Time...
Last time I did say that I wouldn't write about myself now, but I did change my mind. So this week has been so depressing for me. Usually when things has been depressing for me, it have meant that my relationships and so on has go wrong. But now it's not that. Now it's other important things that would help me with my future. So let's start then...
First things first, I didn't get a job from Belfast. And I really did want that place. Everything did go smoothly, even my interviewer said to me that "you did great and you are my first pick". I was the ideal candidate, but surprise!!! In the end I didn't get the job. It hurts and badly. It was something that really wanted, I was so excited and now I'm down...
Second thing would be that yet again my thesis subject wasn't good enough for my teachers, without any valid reasons. So now I have start all over again with my thesis. And that will take time. Now it really looks like that cannot graduate even in spring. This sucks so much.
Then also I have already let my one friend down few times now, because my big mouth. I said too early that I might get a job from Belfast and she could get my flat from here when I would leave. And she really need new place and fast, so she was at both times so excited and happy about it. Now I did not get the job and she cannot get the flat. I did let her down and I hate it. Sometimes I am just too excited about things and I cannot keep my mouth shut. So people get hurt, now that happened...
Also I cannot get rid off from one very annoying girl. She is really harassing me with her text-messaging and she's trying to come same places than me. I have said to her that I'm not interested and leave me alone, but she's not even hearing those... Just keep trying harder and harder. I just cannot understand her. She has boyfriend and all. She should keep harassing him, not me... But on the other side, now I know how few my friends feel about me. With them, I have been too pushy and haven't realize that I'm for them annoying or the past. Why I couldn't see so oblivious things? I don't know, but now I know and I will give the ball for them. They know where I stand, so now they have to show me their stand. And I will accept their decision.
Now I really feel that I would need that partner who would hold me and said that everything will be alright. But unfortunately I don't have anyone, I have to survive by my own. Emotional guy in Finland... Not good at all, because in here guys cannot show any emotions or weaknesses... What a "nice" place we have here...
So all my plans has gone wrong and now I need to start from scratch. So next week will be a busy time for me. But now it really seems that I have to live this winter in Finland. If I survive this, I will survive anything. Fortunately I'm not alone... And in the end, I'm OK.
Let's close this post with a joke... Finnish guy was send to hell. While the devil was planning nice torture plan for the guy, the devil asked from the guy "Where are you from?". Guy answered "From Finland". Then the devil looked the guy in disbelieve and said "My God!!! Immediately take these three hot chicks and live like a king. You have suffered enough!"
Posted by Zannn at 00:19 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What Has Happened On Last 2 1/2 Months...
So what has happen to me on these last months? Well, like I already said nothing much, but still something important and not so important. In general more good things that bad things. Lots of annoying things. So let's start shall we...
First of all I haven't found my internship place yet. I probably have send more that hundred(!!!) applications, but no luck for me. Of course one of the reasons is this economical climate. There really isn't much open places left in the IT field and also when there is, all the successful applicants are highly educated and have lots of work experience. And with my CV I cannot compete with them at all. It's a shame really, because 1 1/2 years ago, finding a place would being like walk in the park. Then there was lots of openings, but now the reality is that there is nothing for me. All this means that I will graduate much later that I was imagine. If I am very, very lucky I can get my degree in late May 2010. But that is not going to happen, unfortunately. But it looks that I can start to do my thesis on next week!!! So finally I will have something else to do than working my grip...
Second thing would be that, I have been hanging a lot with my friends. Well, with those few who I still have here. It has been very nice indeed. It also has meant that I have been hanging in the bars and nightclubs more often I should have. Like you probably already know that I'm not keen to visit nightclubs, but well it can and have been pretty fun sometimes. I have slipped and had a fairly good amount of sleepovers because of that. But those have left me feeling pretty OK about myself. Thank god for that, because I was very worried that I would start downward spiraling again because of that. But never happened.
It actually has been funny to noticed now when my self-confidence is very, very high. It haven't been high in ages. And I also have been working out in five times per week, which means that, finally my body starts to looks good as well (but still there is a lot of work to be done). That girls really dig me. I haven't ever been this popular with the ladies. And I have to say it feels good. Nowadays girls are also coming to hit on me and I can see and feel that they really like me (well, my looks anyway...). It is very nice feeling to have, feel to be wanted. Unfortunately, even more of girls and guys thinks that I'm gay. Well, usually in Finland people think that you are gay if you like to dress up well. So it's not a problem... And actually it's a great chat opener with girls and in the end they have noticed that I'm not gay...
The third thing is, like I already said, that I have been working out a lot and it have started to show. Which is very nice to know... Because I remember when I started about 2 1/2 years, 22 kilos and 6 sizes ago that I want my body to look good and well. Finally I am starting to be near. It feels good and gives me a lot of energy to see this through. I still have some fat left, but it doesn't show that much anymore. Maybe in the year I will get these last few kilos of fat off and finally I would have that six-pack too. I'm not try to get all the fat off, but most of it. I have been working out 3 1/2 hours per day and 5 times per week. These include running exercise, weight training and finally stretching. So I am in pretty fine shape at the moment and I try to keep up with this training schedule. If and when I get my internship place, I was planning to do only 4 day per week schedule, with 2 hour training per day. I think that's enough then... But in the end, I will get my fat off sooner or later... And get some muscle too...
I think here I told almost everything what I have been doing these last 2 1/2 months. So there was almost nothing to tell. Usually I had a boring days with maybe 5 hours of some kind of action, all the rest have gone either for sleep or working my grip, which by the way is starting to be really firm.
I am still very happy, even when I have realized a few things that haven't been so nice. Like I feel like I have started to drift apart from my family and from my few good friends. But actually I don't see that drifting apart from the family is necessary a bad thing, I am already 24 years old and I have my own life. We never have been very close anyway. I think that it's just one final necessary step what I need to take to really start my own life. Unfortunately my mother haven't yet understand it and probably never will. But the problem is more hers than mine.
Also my crush has come and gone and there is no new one in the horizon. Which is a shame. Because what I really miss and need is to have somebody to love. I want to give my love and affection to somebody. And it's more like a need for me. And also it would be finally nice to receive those ones too. It's a good thing that I finally understand that I cannot get that off the one-night-stands. That's probably why actually can do those again without losing it. But I really feel like I need to start somewhere else from the clean table, maybe then I would find somebody by coincidence and have some peace in my life. Like they say, patience is a virtue and I have it. Someday I will find what I'm looking for and so will she.
I finally get it, why I'm writing so personal blog. Many thinks that this is so stupid and it probably is. But it makes me happy and helps me get my thoughts in order. I now see how liberating this is for me. I did come down a bit in these 2 1/2 months, but now I started to write my thoughts again to my blog and I feel fine and happier. This seems to be channel to tell things that I really want to tell for people, but when I am in face-to-face conversation with a person, I cannot say these. But here I can and it's just so liberating for me. I am very private person, even if it doesn't seem that way right now. But I am also honest and I have seen that this helps me, so I would be stupid not to do this. I will do everything that helps me to keep happy, it really is worth it. And anyway there is only a few people reading this blog... hehe...
I think this is the end of this post. Now I will start again to keep pace with my posts. I was thinking about 2 to 4 post per week... I hope you can handle it! And next few posts will not be about me, but about my opinions of different sensitive topics. Like you all know, I have some harsh opinions to tell!!!
Posted by Zannn at 00:44 0 comments