Tuesday, June 30, 2009

About Women, Part Two

So I have been getting some feedback about my first real post on my blog... Some has agreed and some disagreed of my point of view... And that's fair, I might be wrong, but I did wrote about things how I have experienced and seen those things. Here are a few points what disagreeing people has come up to.

1. I generalize things too much.
- That is true. I do that and I know it. It is my style to write, but when you look the deeper meaning of the writings, you see things in the real light and they usually are true, for me at least. And I write of my experiences. It's the way I see things right now...

2. Usually nice guys fall for the mean girls.
- I disagree. I myself have tried relationships with many types of girls. And the outcome has been always the same, relationship has broke up.

3. A nice girls tends to miss out the nice guys.
- I disagree. I myself and many of my friends try to find a nice girls, many have find them and some of those relationships even have been flourishing till this day and I'm pretty sure they will keep flourishing a long time into the future. But not for me. Like I answered on last question. I have been with nice girls too, and no success for me with them either.

4. At some point girls are looking for serious relationships then they will fall for the nice guys.
- I disagree. Not true at all, just look divorce rates... And many times those guys are the nice ones and girls are bored and cannot maintain the happy couple coulisse anymore. Like Baumeister said, that only less than 40% of males reproduce (for the women, reproduce rate is about 80%), so I think sometimes the dad of the babies aren't even the nice guy... And of course there is a lot divorces for the bad guys too... But I hope you all get my point on this matter...

So now I probably did make even more people angry with these comments... But I'm a realist, I can handle it.


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