Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Few Things About The Netherlands

First of all I have to say, that I'm a very lucky person. Because I have many Dutch friends. Actually, I was one of few International Students who have real Dutch friends. That is because usually in the minors they have only few Dutch students there and the parties and stuff is usually only for International Students. So its hard to bond with native people then. But like I said for me it was different and it was because of the minor. And that is why I'm now here again, seeing friends in this beautiful city of Utrecht.

One nice thing that you see in here is the ladies. Yes, they are very, very beautiful ones. They are long, lean and very curvy. It's kinda weird how some countries has lots of beautiful women and some has a very few. And this makes things interesting here. Even regular looking guys has here a beautiful girlfriends. Something what we in Finland never see. In here things are better on that way. And here girls are nice, you really can go and chat with them and they will respond nicely to you, they are fun and down to earth kinda girls. Me like!!! But only downsize is that, when they turn about 35-40 years old, their looks will go down quickly... But I think its because the climate... It happens for guys too in here...

The other one is the reckless immigration policy can hurt a country. Things are bad in here, but nobody cannot say anything about it in public, but when you are talking to the Dutch people, you will notice that they are very full of it... Unfortunately now same will happen to Finland too and its a shame. In here the people cannot do anything for it anymore, its too far gone already. But in Finland, we could if we want to. But about this subject I will write a much longer post at some point. I really need to see other countries too, if I want to give a full valid opinion of it.

And the last one is raising EU criticism, which I think is a very good thing. I really despise it, there really isn't nothing good about it. And here people are noticed that. So maybe there is still a hope that EU will crash down. I hope so... We will see... And about that I also will post a longer article at some point. When I have more time...


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